Incentive compensation blog

The 3R of salesperson to convert and improve customer experience

Written by Hervé de Riberolles | June 18, 2019

The right information, at the right time to make the right proposal to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty, here in a few words the 3R for salesperson. With this recipe, you are certain to better interact with your different targets and earn points from your prospects and customers.



The volume of information contained in CRM databases is becoming increasingly important. The information on your customers is always richer, more precise. It's up to you to use this information effectively on a daily basis to better target and sell more efficiently.

  • The customer scoring will help you there. This solution allows you to focus your attention on prospects with higher added value or engaged in a purchasing process. Scoring is used in both CRM and marketing levers: it allows you to assign two types of scores to your prospects and customers:Behavioral scores on web traffic, within marketing emailings and sales representatives, in order to better understand the interests and assign a tag or a comment in the CRM
  • Prospect maturity scores, depending on the content consulted, the return of the contact on key pages of the site, etc. These scores are generally from 0 to 100 and can trigger a call from a commercial or contact by email.

This statistical method determines a score for each individual in your customer base and prospects. This rating is based on several criteria and / or behavioral variables, this rating determines the desire of your target to one of your products or services, to an offer on a given distribution channel.

There are different types of scoring for different needs: appetence score, attrition score, RFA (recency, frequency, amount).

It is this scoring that allows you to eliminate unprofitable customers in order to better cultivate the good ones. How? By personalizing your customer contact: by offering the right product, at the right time and at the right price. This is to awaken the interest of the customer avoiding as much as possible a commercial pressure that would not be necessary. A key, a greater ROI on your commercial actions and a less tense relationship at first contact!




Your salespeople are confronted with this perennial question: what is the right moment to relaunch a prospect? But also: when to expect a return on a proposal sent? Several tools make life easier for your sales people, including Mixmax or Tilkee. The latter allows you to obtain statistics on e-mails sent by your sales teams: reading time, open links, consulting attachments, etc. What to know in real time information that interests your prospect and seize the right moment to interact. For example, when your prospect consults a deliverable sent. You can send him a pre-written email to propose an appointment, encourage him to reread the offer, send him a purchase order, etc.

Close more deals have the vocation to help you identify if your prospects are hot, cold or changing their minds. This tool sends you alerts when your prospect is responsive and allows you to have a real-time list of your hot prospects to call back without delay.

We usually talk about Time to Value, the key question to generate revenue as quickly as possible on each prospect. However, it is impossible to increase the Time to Value (TTV) in the long term with a strong commercial pressure. The automation, tracking and scoring tools are then very effective in transmitting the right information at the right time and thus increase both the conversion rate and the time needed to convert a prospect into a customer.



To clearly identify the expectations of your prospects and customers and to know how to answer them, you must of course know how to listen to them in order to make them the proposal that will best meet their needs. You understand it, it is about learning to adapt to the demand by practicing active listening. It is usual to say that a good salesperson is one who listens more than he speaks. This is how he develops a truly effective argumentation.

Make sure your sales and marketing teams are aligned as well. The feedback from your sales people is important to develop effective marketing campaigns that will themselves contribute to the results of the first. A virtuous circle in short. To do this, encourage your sales representatives to correctly enter the customer's data in the CRM and reporting (turnover, type of products or services sold, competition, origin of the case, customer profile, etc.).



The respect of the good practices above strongly contributes to the performance of your sales teams.

It is therefore necessary in some cases to show the path of success to your employees by incorporating rules for qualitative performance in your incentive pay compensation plan that take all the steps previously described, including 3R of salesperson.

Be careful, however, to be able to accurately measure the achievement of each of the indicators in order to truly reward those who have implemented the most effective action plan.

Solutions are also available to connect directly to the CRM of companies in order to retrieve the performance indicators in an automated way what does Primeum the company specialized in incentive compensation.